Who for:
• Anyone studying or teaching yoga who wants to know more about how the body works
• Other related well-being practitioners who need to know how the body works
• Anyone either new to Anatomy and Physiology or as a refresher for those who have studied it previously
Who is the facilitator:
• Julia Woodham, a Yoga Practitioner for over 30 years, a Yoga Teacher since 2011 and a Yoga Therapist since 2015
• Has a BSc degree in Physiology and Biochemistry
• Studied the British Wheel of Yoga Anatomy and Physiology course in 2011
• Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology for CYS yoga teacher training since 2013
• A series of ten Zoom workshops, each lasting 45 minutes
• Modules can be covered individually or bought as a whole sequence at a discount price
• Individual modules are £10 each, or the whole programme is £80
• Copies of the material covered will be emailed to participants
• You will have a chance to ask questions and test your knowledge
• All sessions will be recorded so if you have to miss one, then you can catch up later in your own time
Modules covering:
1. Skeletal system: Bones and Joints
2. Respiration and Energy
3. Muscles, Fascia, Tendons and Ligaments
4. Nervous system
5. Lymphatic system and Immunity
6. Cardiovascular: Heart and Circulation
7. Gastrointestinal: Digestion and Nutrition
8. Endocrine: Hormonal system
9. The Skin and Urinary system
10. Male and Female Reproductive system and Pregnancy
• To be able to understand how the body works so that you can be a better teacher
• To be able to build lesson plans that focus on a particular anatomical focus
• To be able to communicate using the correct anatomical terms
• To have more knowledge about your students who have medical conditions that impact on their yoga practice
• Module 1: Skeletal system: Bones and Joints Saturday 14th November 10.00 -10.45am and Module 2: Respiration and Energy 11.00 to 11.45am
• Module 3: Muscles, Fascia, Tendons and Ligaments Saturday 21st November 10.00 -10.45am and Module 4: Nervous system 11.00 to 11.45am
• Module 5: Lymphatic system and Immunity Saturday 28th November 10.00 -10.45am and Module 6: Cardiovascular: Heart and Circulation 11.00 to 11.45am
• Module 7: Gastrointestinal: Digestion and Nutrition Saturday 5th December 10.00 -10.45am and Module 8: Endocrine: Hormonal system 11.00 to 11.45am
• Module 9: The Skin and Urinary system Saturday 12th December 10.00 -10.45am and Module 10: Male and Female Reproductive system and Pregnancy 11.00 to 11.45am
• To book either individual modules, or the whole programme, contact Yoga Horizons via email julia@yoga-horizons.co.uk or call 07889 831 369. Bank details will be sent for you to pay by BACS
• Once you have registered you will be sent the Zoom ID and Password and an Introduction document
• Please download Zoom prior to staring the course
• Please join the call 5 minutes before the start; we will start each session promptly
• Participants will be muted until question time